About Us

About Global Nurse Partners

We’re a nurse placement agency specializing in international recruitment for permanent positions with US healthcare facilities. We create employment relationships that last, deliver meaningful value, and support communities.

What We Do

Global Nurse Partners brings internationally experienced nurses and US healthcare facilities together in a unique and innovative way.

And we’ve created a Partnership Program that blends the richest service offering into a package that is holistic and meaningful to our partners.

Our Partnership Program is holistic and meaningful to our partners—internationally experienced nurses, and US healthcare facilities.

Our program empowers nurses to drive their careers and ensures a smooth transition to life in the US. It empowers healthcare facilities to reach their recruitment and retention goals with a supported permanent solution. And it empowers us, too, as we get to put our expertise to good use. We turn a complex multistep process into a rewarding experience that culminates with international nurses successfully living and working in local communities. That is what truly invigorates us.

Missions & Values

Our mission and values drive every decision and action we take. Our mission is to create rewarding employment relationships, support their success, and fuel life-changing momentum.

With employees, international nurses, and healthcare facilities as our conscience, we live these core values:

Relationships are Our Focus

A culture of fairness and inclusion, where everyone is treated with dignity and differences are embraced.

Gratitude is our appreciation for the journey we share.

Fun is a joy we share with energy and enthusiasm.

People over profit is our commitment to premium value.

Compassion and kindness are our strengths and simple gestures of honest caring.

Success is our expectation in creating a bright future together.

Service is Our Business

Integrity is our standard and power of responsible action.

Excellence is our confidence and guarantee in everything we do.

Transparency is our promise to open and honest accountability and the opportunity for reflective learning.

Expertise is our pride, and it ensures positive outcomes.

Dedication is our service to aspiration and ambition and creating something great together.

Passion is our fuel in delivering the best experience possible.

Possibility is Our Belief

Creating opportunity is our excitement and a starting point of all things new.

Optimism is our norm, and it underpins deliberate practice towards our goals.

Harmonizing desire, positive action, and achievement make dreams become a reality, and it’s a job we love.

Facilitating change is our pleasure and enjoyment we can’t live without.

Sharing a vision is an upgrade we embrace, and it builds momentum.

Celebrating success together is the true power of belief and our greatest fulfillment.

What Makes Us Different

Global Nurse Partners debunks the cost of participating in a comprehensive international recruitment program. And the difference we offer impacts our partners in positive ways that matter to them.

No Compromises

International nurses no longer need to take reduced salaries to avail of dedicated support and long-term transition assistance. Instead, they get to attain and enjoy their personal and professional best.

No Sacrifice

Healthcare facilities no longer need to pay high bill rates for an extended period to secure a fully supported staffing solution. Instead, they get to save and redirect funds towards healthcare provision and other resources.

Sheer Empowerment

We have redefined the service level of traditional international recruitment programs to align our partners’ interests better. And the reality we’ve created gives our partners absolute control to achieve purposeful and positive outcomes.

Take the first step on your journey

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Our Founder’s Story

Originally from Ireland, Sylvia Mullarkey lived and worked in several European countries before immigrating to the US. These adventures prepared her for the work she does today and gave an appreciation of the skills necessary to embrace change, transitions, and adjustment.

Since 1997 Sylvia has assisted international nurses in fulfilling their goal of living and working in the US and has worked with healthcare facilities to address their staffing needs.

It’s been a privilege and an honor to accompany the nurses, their families, and the healthcare facilities on their quests. It’s a joy to be a part of so many life stories filled with hope, determination, and courage.

It’s a passion, and it’s greatly influenced by experiences as a young Montessori teacher in Italy and studies in sociology and anthropology, which encouraged the exploration of full-spectrum sociocultural adjustment.

This passion inspired Sylvia to create the first US acculturation program in the healthcare recruitment industry while working with O’Grady-Peyton International. It’s also what inspired her to approach Cross Country Healthcare and establish their international recruitment company, Assignment America, and what motivated her to create Global Nurse Partners as a unique and innovative offering.

For Sylvia, it is truly a dream come true to bring Global Nurse Partners to life and celebrate possibility in all its glory. And it’s her joy to deliver value and fulfillment for the Global Nurse Partners—internationally experienced nurses and their families, US healthcare facilities, and the communities they serve.

Global Nurses Partners welcomes everyone who wants to join in on this fun and exciting journey. Let’s celebrate dreams and successes together!


Sylvia Mullarkey, Founder

Certified Ethical Recruiter (CER)

Global Nurse Partners is a Certified Ethical Recruiter (CER) as designated by the Alliance for Ethical International Recruitment Practices (Alliance), a CGFNS International division.

The Alliance is a non-profit organization that ensures internationally educated healthcare professionals are recruited in a fair, ethical, and transparent manner for employment in the US.

As a CER, we adhere to the Health Care Code and proudly display the Seal to affirm our commitment to ethical practice, continuous improvement, and corporate social responsibility.

We are committed to fair, ethical, and transparent recruitment practices.